Thanks & Twitter Lists

Thanks so much to Theme Flash for including me on their Twitters to follow lists Inspiring Web Designers to Follow on Twitter and Inspiring Creative Freelancers to Follow on Twitter. Big thanks to Danny Outlaw from The River Current for the feature on 51 Freelance...

Keeping your Mac healthy and up to date

Keeping your mac running smoothly is very important for your freelancing. I often see many macs that are not updated to the latest OS (right now, it’s 10.5.7). It’s a very common thing for us designers to avoid updating after we have everything running...

Organizing+Online work

So, I’ve been handling many things lately, and thanks to Things from Cultured Code (on both the mac and phone) I’ve been going pretty smooth covering every single aspect and checking off my To-Do’s as I complete them. What’s really handy too is...

Organizing your site

I’ve been working for a few weeks on a site for one of my clients, and being this an online catalog, I need to be very careful on the codes, names and pictures of the product lines they handle. When designing, you need to have the information organized and ready...

Overwhelmed With Work

Sometimes designers, writers, photographers, we all get so overwhelmed about work that we don’t pay attention to what our body, in my case my eyes, were saying a few weeks ago. I was exhausted. Felt like my body weighted a ton and my eyes were barely making it...