More podcasts to the list!

It’s been a while since I’ve updated my main list, but instead of changing that one I’m going to be mentioning some today as a post. As always the podcast links open in iTunes! Geek Girls Guide, by Nancy Lyons and Meghan Wilker. PageBreak, by Liz...

"Unlearning Spelling" in Leopard

I love OS X: it has a built in dictionary that it’s smart enough to know when I’m in Spanish or English mode (depending on my keyboard setup) is great, and the fact that it can learn words is even better. For example, I know that Design is correct, the...
That's why iTunes is Gray!

That's why iTunes is Gray!

So, with the now available 99 cent rentals, I decided to test it out, and rented a sneak peak for Bones, season 6. When you download a rent, you have 30 days to start watching it. After you’ve watched that episode, you have 24 hours to watch it as many times as...
iTunes 10 and Ping

iTunes 10 and Ping

Such a fan girl! Yesterday I was glued to my iPhone watching the live cast of Steve’s keynote. I’m a big fan of the iPod Classic because it’s the only iPod big enough to hold my entire library- I was relieved when I didn’t see them kill it...
iPhone sync errors

iPhone sync errors

So, yesterday @Prepressology got his iPhone and I was trying to sync mine and it keep giving me an error. I forgot about mine and played with the 3GS and let my troubles rest. This was what was happening: Every time I wanted to sync, I got a scary warning from iTunes:...