As some of you know, I’m a big fan of Quicksilver (you can download it from Blacktree or from a google code page that has a 10.6 version available here). I tweeted this a few hours ago:

Yes, I use Quicksilver to switch applications or open the Finder 🙂 How cool is that 😉 – Original Tweet

So, I got a reply back from @sigurarm pointing me to a  Quicksilver/Things plug-in. This is great! Now you can write a note (call Quicksilver and press the . (dot) and start typing), then press the Tab and type “addto” to call the Things plug-in. The result is a To-D0 in Things that you can find in the Inbox for future tweaking.

You can dowload the Quicksilver and Things plugin at the Cultured Code support page.

One thing I have to add, is that reading their blog, I noticed that they have a new addition to their staff back in August, that is Bartek Bargiel- the man behind iGTD. Congratulations to both parties! I’m sure that the software you guys release will  be bigger and better every time!

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