If you like to see what’s new behind the doors from Adobe, browse around Adobe Labs. There, the Adobe team posts content and apps before their commercial release. Such was the case with Lightroom- they got so much and useful feedback that they did the same with Lightroom 2. Now, the next rising star is Adobe Edge.

Adobe Edge Preview is an upcoming tool for creating smooth motion and transitions for screens of all sizes, utilizing the latest web standards like HTML/HTML5, JavaScript and CSS. In a few words, Simplify HTML animation.

This tool that helps you efficiently create animated content with web standards like HTML/HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS. Visualize animations in an intuitive timeline-based interface. Create new compositions from scratch, energize imported graphics files, or add interactivity to existing documents with best-of-breed accuracy and performance.

Trust that your animated content works on multiple screens (iOS, Android and the different sizes). All content created with the Adobe Edge Preview is designed and tested to work reliably on the Android™ and iOS platforms, WebKit-enabled devices, and browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Internet Explorer 9.

Since this is just a preview, it’s crucial that you go to the Discussion Board on Adobe Labs to give the Adobe team feedback and who knows, maybe even give them an idea of a feature it’s not there yet!

Download Edge at Adobe Labs.

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