Product Shot Food Photography

This is a sample of our Product Shot Food Photography portfolio. Here you can see food photography, done in our studio, mostly featuring the products over white background. This type of shots usually don’t get out to the market, but they are used for Product...

Sightings Photography

This is a sample of our Sightings Photography portfolio. It features shots from El Salvador, Upstate NY and Las Vegas. Soon, will add more from...

Marketing Collateral

This is a sample of the Stationary and Marketing collateral pieces that have been made for different businesses. COEX Calendar Every year, COEX gives desk calendars to their clients. This calendar is thought of so the person sitting on the desk can see the monthly...

Tulip Festival 2011 Photography

I had the pleasure to go to the Albany Tulip Festival in Upstate NY. It took place May 7 and 8, 2011 in Washington Park. This is the first time I’ve seen so many tulips together at the same location, all naturally grown. The colors were sharp and with an...


This is a sample of the posters I’ve created using Mosaic techniques. The first mosaic was made for El Clubo, a guatemalan pop-rock band, with the best pictures of their first city wide tour. The second mosaic was a gift for a friend, and I used all the pictures...