Corporate Image

This is a sample of the pieces that have been made for Corporate Image, such as Logos and Business Cards. Coffee Break A salvadoran Coffee Shop and Catering service, they wanted business cards to hand out to clients that wanted their contact information. LemonG...

EPI Foods Products Food Photography

This is a sample of our Food Photography portfolio, a session for our client EPI Foods Catering. Chef Edith Paiz wanted a session for all the sauces she prepares for her catering service (Tomatillo Sauce, Tomato Sauce, Pumpkin Seed Sauce, Mushroom Sauce, Curry and...

Food Photography

This is a sample of our Food photography portfolio. This section of our portfolio features different sessions for our clients Sal y Pimienta and Coffee Station among others. Here you can see the different dishes from appetizers such as Pesto spreads, entrées like...

Restaurants & Coffee Shops

This is a sample of Restaurants & Coffee Shops pieces that have been made for different businesses. Sal y Pimienta Menu Sal y Pimienta approached us looking for a redesign of their brand, not only for their menu, but also for the rest of the business. We designed...

Print Ads

This is a sample of the Print Ads that have been featured as Press Ads, Magazine Ads, Inserts and Flyers. COEX Directory Ad Salvadoran Coffee growers and exporters COEX asked for a magazine ad for a Yellow-Pages kind of directory for whole sale businesses in the food...