Onextrapixel Article

Hello all! Just wanted to share with you that I got another article published on Onextrapixel: 6 Essential Steps for Multitasking and Getting Things Done

Onextrapixel Article!

Hello all! Just wanted to share with you that I got an article published on Onextrapixel: 8 Essential Steps of Handling Web Design Projects Make sure to swing by and leave a comment!

Making the list

Yesterday I got an email from Bailey Digger, the creative mind behind Web Design Degree. This site is a class project on web traffic acquisition and it’s effects of Design. The idea behind this website was that excellent and informative content will be...

Behind The Scenes

Oh wow! It’s been a long month since I updated properly the blog. Long story short: since I got back in Late January from Upstate New York, I’ve been working non-stop on several projects and clients: photo gigs, logo and label design work for another...