Color Schemes and Palletes

I found a post on CSS Juice that I found very helful called 25 Popular Color Scheme and Palette Generators. Its a very comprehensive post about Color Schemes and Palletes and very well organized:  I categorize these useful tools by scheme, palette and miscellaneous....

Resources for Designers

My good friend Daniele Rossi pointed me to this amazing tool called Design Resources Search Engine. This site goes right along the line of Blue Vertigo post I made a couple of weeks ago. Browsing around this morning I found a site that goes through the foldings that...

Taking a bit longer than expected

I’m prepping a nice article about sources for freelancers. There are so many out there that I thought that once a week I’d post one category of the most useful of several categories: Photo, Vectors, Flash and Fonts. Now, this is taking more than I...