Colors: July 2013

Colors: July 2013

Time for Colors for July 2013 using Photocopa by ColourLovers. Colors taken from the Foodies Freebie: July 2013 Wallpaper Collection (free download at The Foodies’ Kitchen):
Colors: June 2013

Colors: June 2013

Playing with Photocopa by ColourLovers, I got the idea of posting a set of colors from what is inspiring me at the time. Today, I am posting this set of colors, taken from the Foodies Freebie: June 2013 Wallpaper Collection (which you can download for free over at The...


This is a guide of the Websites we’ve designed: AJE Guatemala As one of the founding members of AJE Guatemala back in August of 2004, one of our contributions was the set up of the website, application form creation (in PDF) and later on, the addition of...
Empire Red

Empire Red

Empire Red Originally uploaded by @iKitty As I was in Guatemala spending time with my family, Jake and his folks held off on a very very very cool Christmas gift for yours trully… I got it the next day I got to NY. I was not expecting this present! This past...